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I know a falling star can’t fall forever
But let’s never stop falling in love.

[dropcap size=big]U[/dropcap]sually, when musicians talk about their beginning, they emphasize on the passion they have for their art. A passion that was shared also by the founder and pianist of Pink Martini, Thomas Lauderdale, however not with the making of a band as an end in itself, as one might think, rather than simply desiring to “dress” with beautiful melodies the political fundraisers in which he participated. And like that, the “little orchestra” of Pink Martini was born in Portland, Oregon, then “grew up” outside of the USA, and visited for once more last night the city of Thessaloniki, “flooding” Moni Lazariston with world music._TIM6433 copy_2[dropcap size=big]C[/dropcap]lassical, jazz, Latin and oriental sounds, with English, Spanish, German, even Greek and Japanese lyrics. It is no wonder that their music is characterized as cosmopolitan, overcoming borders and prejudices. Tracks that are different from each other and manage to take the listener on a mental journey through rotations from the playful cabaret-jazz to the atmospheric, full of longing, music of Anatolia and to the passionate sound of the Spanish guitar, confirming the belief that music unites people._TIM6470 copy_3[dropcap size=big]A[/dropcap]nd all this is due to the talent and the uniqueness of each musician of the band, that blend harmoniously creating a meaningful result. In this ensemble, their singer Storm Large stirred things up last night with her inexhaustible energy and her temperament. In some monents, I got lost thanks to her beautiful voice in the dazzling starry sky in which she wrapped her shaped body with, and in other moments I got lured by her sensual dance. _TIM6656 copy_4[dropcap size=big]B[/dropcap]ut if I personally missed something from the evening was to see the audience standing and getting lured, too, by Storm’s liveliness. Only during the encore, and since we all knew that the night came to an end, people stood up, let loose and moved to the Latin rhythms, while the singer invited people on stage to dance.

The musical journey ended at 23:20, after an hour and a half full of eroticism, leaving people with excitement and hope that sometime soon in the future the rendezvous with Pink Martini will be renewed. Until then…

 Que sera sera
Whatever will be will be
The future’s not ours to see
Que sera sera

Article: Zoé Ossa (Lavart)
Photos: Timos Christoforidis (Lavart)


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