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Sivert’s Moon Landing. A sensuous-rock night at Principal

We have no words for this night…

IMG_7981 - 2[dropcap size=big]N[/dropcap]ot many artists are able to make you mentally travel and touch you only through their voices. How many times have you been to a concert closing your eyes and enjoying only… the voice of the artist? That is what exactly happened at Thursday’s concert at Principal Club Theater where the crowd was waiting for Sivert Hoyem to appear on stage.

The opening act was the band of Panos Pantazopoulos, The Karamazov Project, with an intense electric solo and sounds related not only to Hoyem’s ones but also the sounds of the period of the 60’s and 70’s psychedelic progressive music.

« One more song, the other man has created a huge album! ». Using that phrase, Panos Pantazopoulos prepared the audience for Sivert Hoyem’s appearance.

IMG_7861 - 3[dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]he concert and the tour in Greece are part of the release of the new album Lioness. This music trip began with Lioness and continued having also a flashback of Madrugada’s old songs such as Honey Bee, Majesty, What’s on your Μind, travelling in the memories of his beloved Greek fans and bringing the days of «M» to the fore.

Selected compositions from Long Slow Distance, Moon Landing and Exiles unfolded the solo career of the Norwegian artist, while Into the Sea, Where is My Moon? and Give it a Whirl fired up the audience!

Where is my moon tonight?
Where is my moon?
She lies beyond this place beyond these city lights
That’s where I’m going
Where is my moon tonight?
Why are we crying?
We cry the tears that make carnations grow
That only ever show
When we’re in hiding
And if I’m lost inside my oh-so-worried mind
Just reach inside my head and see what you can find
I had my time alone, my time away from you
Then I went looking for my moon

«We’re leaving now and you have to beg us to come again on stage» were the words that made us realise that the night was coming to an end. Three more songs kept us company with Moon Landing being the last one. He introduced the members of the band promising that he will return. Ιndeed, during the concert he did not hesitate to wish the guitarist on his birthday. It was a beautiful Thursday night which the most tender and sensuous voice filled up…

Article: Matina Tsitsanopoulou (Lavart)
Photos: Dimitris Farganis (Lavart)
Translation: Natasa Avraam (Lavart)

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